8 great ways to use old frames

Frames are not just for pictures. If you have some old frames in your home , there are some great ways to use them to decorate your home and even as storage.Most of these ideas are DIY ideas that you can accomplish easily.

1) Remove the images off them , paint them and use them as wall decor.
Image via pinterest
image via Martha Stewart
2) Frame large pieces of fabric 

image via uludesignstudio

 3) have a frame display
image via uludesignstudio
 3) Use as a clock
image via uludesignstudio
4) Use as a tray
image via Ruffled

 6) Old picture frame display shelf
image via Country Living
7) use it to display your make up and jewelry
image via pinterest

 8) Frame a chalk board, use it in your kitchen , on your desk or in your living room to remember useful things or just make a statement.

If you are not in the mood to  'do it yourself', or if you love some of these ideas but don't have the right frames to do them here are some great stores Etsy who will do all the work for you.

Modern and ornate frames from BeautiShe
Framed magnetic chalk board by whogivesacraft28
Framed jewelry organizer by GardenCricket
White tray made out of vintage frame from CityGirlsDecor
Framed Chalkboard by The Door Stop


Erika said...

It's funny that I recognize one of those photos from a blog I used to read. I would like to use frames more but think I won't do it 'right'. I do use frames for organizing.

Kristina said...

I love the frame collections! Thanks for including me tray! KRistina