Custom Order for Jeffrey from Michigen - brown and blue throw pillows

We recently did a custom order for Jeffrey from Michigan USA.
He wanted a cushion cover set for his black leather sofa set. After much deliberation we came up with these set of cushion covers in chocolate brown and shot color turquoise blue. I used a mix of fabrics. The chocolate brown was art silk; it has the same look as dupioni but is slightly less expensive. While the shot color turquoise blue was was 100% pure dupioni silk with brownish red highlights on blue fabric .The brown and blue combination is classic and elegant while the retro circle embroidery made the throw pillow covers look modern and fun. 

A set of two large chocolate brown art silk full pin tuck sofa cushion covers 22 X22 inches.
Two 16 inch turquoise blue shot color cushion cover with retro circles in pure silk.

1 chocolate brown  art silk cushion cover  with  turquoise blue shot color center sash 12X20 inches.

The full set when put together looked something like this. 

1 comment

Janssen said...

Love those pillows, they'll make a great wedding gift.